
The act by a client, supervisor, or lead of repeatedly setting contradictory goals for the completion of an animation or visual effects shot as a substitute for having a clear vision of what they really want.

Artist Usage Examples:

  • I’ve already done 3 different versions and he wants another, now he’s just pixel fucking.
  • It’s perfect, why does that pixel fucker need to change anything? Fuck!
  • Oh, for fuck’s sake. That fuck-face hasn’t a fucking clue what the fuck he wants and now I’m getting pixel fucked a-fucking-gain.

Client Usage Example:

  • That’s it, I’m all out of ideas. To be honest, i have been for ages. Those poor fuckers must be going insane by now, bet they haven’t seen their families in months. And the company must be pretty much bankrupt by now with all the hoops i keep making them jump through. Almost bankrupt… but not entirely. There must still be more I can do to make everyone’s life a complete misery. Time for a little more pixelfuckery to really push them over the edge…